E-6000 EPOXY PASTE CRAFT REPAIR & FILLER. Project Sheet Included. Mi x ing tray & stir sticks included. Easy 1:1 Mi x . Many more uses than syringe epo x ies. NON-SAG, FOR OVERHEAD & VERTICAL APPLICATIONS. Bonds to: Wood, Clay, Plastics, Stone, Glass, Met...
FAMOWOOD Glaze Coat |
FAMOWOOD Glaze Coat Pour-On High Gloss Epoxy Coating is an ultra-clear, high-gloss finishing epoxy ideal for home improvement and craft projects. Just one coat equals 60 coats of varnish.
Coat tables, clocks, game boards and furniture
Imbed coins, rocks, sea shells, flowers or any non-waxy...
GOOPAPRO Epoxy Putty |
GOOPAPRO Epoxy Putty will PLUG or SEAL practically anything that leaks, it will PATCH holes and cracks. MEND almost anything that is broken. It is excellent for REBUILDING or FABRICATING PARTS and as an all purpose ADHESIVE for metals, wood, glass, masonry, ceramics and many plastics. Also, ...