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Green Solutions 

"NEW" professional use products. EcoGlue® Green Solutions™ is the product line brand name, and the products offered in the line up are EcoGlue® Extreme and EcoGlue® Premium Wood.

Amazing EcoGlue®
Amazing EcoGlue®

earth friendly power glue.

Stick with your beliefs image

Matching the right glue to the job is one of the most important factors in choosing a glue. Choosing environmentally friendly products has become an integral part of the decision making process when thinking green.

Amazing EcoGlue® one of the first Earth Friendly power glues with industrial strength designed for the do-it-yourselfer. EcoGlue is a water-based environmentally-safe glue that has less than 1% VOC by weight and no animal derivatives or hazardous pollutants are found in this power glue. The bottle and card are packaged with recyclable plastic and paper to keep the Earth Friendly promise to our consumers.

Sticking with your principles has never been easier — use Amazing EcoGlue® to fix and repair items around your home. This interior/exterior, incredibly strong adhesive bonds to a wide variety of substrates.

Common substrates that EcoGlue® adheres to:


substrates image


Amazing EcoGlue® is a water-based adhesive.
    • Less than 1% VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
    • Virtually no hazardous air pollutants (less than 0.165 by weight)
    • No animal derivatives
    • Excellent water resistance
    • 100% recyclable packaging!

Amazing EcoGlue® and EcoGlue® Green Solutions™ is for people wanting Earth Friendly products!


Product Description
EcoGlue™ Extreme is a high performance polyether moisture cure technology that is 100% solids, solvent free and less then 2% VOC. It's environmentally friendly, but does not sacrifice strength and provides INSTANT GRAB on a wide variety of substrates. EcoGlue Extreme is engineered for bonding and sealing virtually any substrate, and will provide a long lasting weather tight seal even in the most unfavorable wet application conditions. EcoGlue Extreme is suitable for both vertical and overhead applications and can be painted after 24 hours. It is safe to use indoors, or in confined spaces, as it contains no odor. Best application temperatures are above 30° F (-1° C).
Environmentally Friendly Without Sacrificing Strength.
Multiple Applications.
Provides Ma x imum Performance.



Fiber Board
(bonds to damp masonry)
SBS Mod Bit
Engineered Plastics
And More



Product Description

Environmentally Safe
Less than 1% VOC
Non Toxic
No Solvents
Stronger Than Most Other White and Wood Glues!
• Interior/Exterior
• Type 2 Water
• Clear
• Stainable
• Paintable
• Sandable
• Water Cleanup
EcoGlue™ Premium Wood Adhesive is a high performance environmentally safe (non toxic, less than 1% VOC, no solvents) industrial adhesive that has an incredibly strong bond to wood. It's patented advanced PVA formula is water-based and made with no animal derivatives. As a result, the physical and mechanical adhesive strength, flex strength, heat resistance, sandability, toughness and water resistance are much higher than most other white and wood glues.
Passes ANSI / HPVA Type 2 water resistance
Heat resistance requirements of
ASTM D 5751-95 and WATT 91
Prop 65 compliant
FDA approved for indirect food contact
Unaffected by finishes
No e x panding/foaming during curing
Resists solvents, heat and mildew
Contains no free phenol and/or
urea formaldehyde resins, or isocyanate
Fast setting speed in room temperature, cold press,
hot press or radio frequency (RF) applications
Can be spread with a roller spreader or brush
Environmentally Safe E6000 spray adhesive

There is no other product like it! E6000 Spray Adhesive is a permanent, multi-purpose latex-based adhesive without the toxic smells, fumes or unhealthy side effects. It is strong, flexible, water-resistant, resists bleed-through and yellowing and works well on most all materials.

Features and Benefits:

  • No odor
  • Clean-up with water
  • Use on multiple surfaces
  • Extremely strong, flexible and resists water
  • Not harmful — contains NO VOCs, harsh chemicals, or propellants
  • Photo safe
  • Super easy to use — Just spray
  • Dries translucent

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